【上海】中国陶瓷企事业名录(上海) |
【shanghai】2010-5-9发表: 中国陶瓷企事业名录(上海) 中国陶瓷企事业名录(上海)02上海市shanghai02-001中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究院通讯地址:上海市定西路1295号邮政编码:200050联系电话:021-62512990传真:021 中国陶瓷企事业名录中国陶瓷企事业名录 02上海市 shanghai 02-001中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究院 通讯地址:上海市定西路1295号 邮政编码:200050 联系电话:021-62512990 传 真:021-62513903 网 址:http://www.sic.ac.cn 上海硅酸盐研究所学科方向是先进无机材料科学与工程,主要研究领域涵盖了人工晶体、高性能结构与功能陶瓷、特种玻璃、无机涂层、生物环境材料、复合材料及先进无机材料性能检测与表征等。 shanghai institute of ceramics chinese academy of sciences address: no.1295 dingxi road, shanghai postcode: 200050 tel: 021-62512990 fax: 021-62513903 website: http://www.sic.ac.cn shanghai institute of ceramics chinese academy of sciences was devoted to the study on advanced inorganic materials science and technology as her research orientation. the main research field covers artificial single crystals, high-powered structural functional ceramics, special glasses, inorganic coatings, biological environmental material, testing and characterization of inorganic materials and composites, etc. 02-002上海市建筑材料工业设计研究院 通讯地址:上海市兆丰东路70号 邮政编码:200032 联系电话:021-64189192 传 真:021-64189827 shanghai building materials industry design and research institute address: no.70 east zhaofeng road, shanghai postcode: 200032 tel: 021-64189192 fax: 021-64189827 02-003上海材料研究所 通讯地址:上海市邯郸路99号 邮政编码:200437 联系电话:021-65533030 65556775-542 传 真:021-55541225 65552554 网 址:http://www.ceramicballbearings.com email: cbb@ceramicballbearings.com shanghai research institute of materials address: no.99 handan road, shanghai postcode: 200437 tel: 021-65533030 65556775-542 fax: 021-55541225 65552554 website: http://www.ceramicballbearings.com email: cbb@ceramicballbearings.com 02-004上海古陶瓷科学技术研究会 通讯地址:上海市定西路1295号 邮政编码:200050 联系电话:021-62512990 传 真:021-62513903 shanghai ancient ceramic science research association address: no.1295 dingxi road, shanghai postcode: 200050 tel: 021-62512990 fax: 021-62513903 02-005上海上瑨礼品有限公司 通讯地址:上海市闵行区星西路11号 邮政编码:201101 联系电话:021-64781975 传 真:021-64190854 经营范围:日用瓷、艺术瓷 shanghai shangjin gifts co., ltd address: no.11 xingxi road, minhang district, shanghai postcode: 201101 tel: 021-64781975 fax: 021-64190854 description: domestic porcelain and art ceramics 02-006上海陶之岛瓷业有限公司 通讯地址:上海市九星批发城九星路3号楼118-121号 邮政编码:201101 联系电话:021-54862766 64611088 传 真:021-64611088 网 址:http://www.shtzd.com email: tzd@shtzd.com 经营范围:日用瓷 shanghai taozhidao ceramics industry co., ltd address: no.118-121, building 3, nine stars road, nine stars wholesales city, shanghai postcode: 201101 tel: 021-54862766 64611088 fax: 021-64611088 website: http://www.shtzd.com email: tzd@shtzd.com description: domestic porcelain 02-007上海汇智瓷业有限公司 通讯地址:上海市宝山区沪太路1856弄龙珠苑244号 邮政编码:200436 联系电话:021-56685043 51032260 传 真:021-51032206 经营范围:日用瓷 shanghai huizhi ceramics industry co., ltd address: no.244, longzhuyuan, lane 1856, hutai road, baoshan district, shanghai postcode: 200436 tel: 021-56685043 51032260 fax: 021-51032206 description: domestic porcelain 02-008上海友你杯杯具有限公司 通讯地址:上海市闸北沪太路655弄2号1802室 邮政编码:201101 联系电话:021-56084453 56096041 传 真:021-56096041 网 址:http://www.uicup.com.cn email: unicup@yahoo.com.cn 经营范围:杯具 shanghai unicup co., ltd address: rm.1802, no.2, lane 655, hutai road, zhabei, shanghai postcode: 201101 tel: 021-56084453 56096041 fax: 021-56096041 website: http://www.uicup.com.cn email: unicup@yahoo.com.cn description: cups 02-009上海景丰陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市普陀区澳门路756弄6号507室 邮政编码:201101 联系电话:021-62995483 62275386 传 真:021-62765300 网 址:http://www.jingfeng-cn.com email: jingfengtaoci@126.com 经营范围:杯具 shanghai jingfeng ceramics co., ltd address: rm.507, no.6, lane 756, aumen road, putuo district, shanghai postcode: 201101 tel: 021-62995483 62275386 fax: 021-62765300 website: http://www.jingfeng-cn.com email: jingfengtaoci@126.com description: cups 02-010上海红窑瓷业有限公司 通讯地址:上海市长寿路569弄长乐大厦2e 邮政编码:200060 联系电话:021-62982312 62271596 传 真:021-62270556 网 址:http://www.abbosun.com email: abbosun100@ abbosun.com 经营范围:日用瓷、艺术瓷 shanghai unicup co., ltd address: 2e of changle mansion, lane 569, changshou road, shanghai postcode: 200060 tel: 021-62982312 62271596 fax: 021-62270556 website: http://www.abbosun.com email: abbosun100@ abbosun.com description: domestic porcelain and art ceramics 02-011上海新洲陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市杨浦区控江路1029弄2号楼1506室 邮政编码:200093 联系电话:021-65189869 传 真:021-65189765 经营范围:日用瓷、艺术瓷 shanghai xinzhou ceramics co., ltd address: rm.1506, no.2, lane 1029, kongjiang road, yangpu district, shanghai postcode: 200093 tel: 021-65189869 fax: 021-65189765 description: domestic porcelain and art ceramics 02-012上海博泽建材有限公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东区杨高南路3298号恒大建材市场 邮政编码:200126 联系电话:021-51119759 68312371 传 真:021-68312371 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 shanghai boze building materials co., ltd address: no.3298 hengda building material market, south yanggao road, pudong district, shanghai postcode: 200126 tel: 021-51119759 68312371 fax: 021-68312371 description: building ceramics 02-013上海长谷陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市松江区仓桥工业分区长谷路118号 邮政编码:201600 联系电话:021-67725627 67728891 67728873 67728849 传 真:021-67725628 网 址:http://www.ckbm.com.cn email: sales@ckbm.com.cn 经营范围:墙地砖 shanghai changgu ceramics co., ltd address: no.118 changgu road, cangqiao industrial subarea, songjiang district, shanghai postcode: 201600 tel: 021-67725627 67728891 67728873 67728849 fax: 021-67725628 website: http://www.ckbm.com.cn email: sales@ckbm.com.cn description: wall and floor tiles 02-014上海康尼特实业有限公司 通讯地址:上海市奉贤金汇镇工业路1号 邮政编码:201404 联系电话:021-57482995 传 真:021-57481338 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 shanghai kang nite industrial co., ltd address: no.1 gongye road, jinhui town, fengxian, shanghai postcode: 201404 tel: 021-57482995 fax: 021-57481338 description: building ceramics 02-015上海斯米克建筑陶瓷股份有限公司 通讯地址:上海市闵行区浦江镇三鲁路2121号 邮政编码:201112 联系电话:021-64110567-118 传 真:021-64117463 网 址:http://www.cimic.com 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 shanghai cimic tile co., ltd address: no.2121 sanlu road, pujiang town, minhang district, shanghai postcode: 201112 tel: 021-64110567-118 fax: 021-64110553 website: http://www.cimic.com description: building ceramics 02-016上海杨寨耐火材料有限公司 通讯地址:上海市真北路1150号曹安市场2-20 (武宁路622号) 邮政编码:200333 联系电话:021-52819855 13601775465 传 真:021-52919758 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 shanghai yangzhai refractory materials co., ltd address: rm.2-20, cao’an market, no.1150 zhenbei road, shanghai ( no.622 wuning road ) postcode: 200333 tel: 021-52819855 13601775465 fax: 021-52919758 description: building ceramics 02-017上海福祥陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市虹梅南路3888号 邮政编码:201108 联系电话:021-64975555 传 真:021-64975987 经营范围:釉面砖 shanghai fuxiang ceramics co., ltd address: no.3888 south hongmei road, shanghai postcode: 201108 tel: 021-64975555 fax: 021-64975987 description: glazed tiles 02-018建新陶瓷(香港)有限公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东新区东方路989号中达广场25f 邮政编码:200122 联系电话:021-58200042 传 真:021-58200042 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 jianxin ceramics ( hong kong ) co., ltd address: 25f zhongda square, no.989 dongfang road, pudong new district, shanghai postcode: 200122 tel: 021-58200042 fax: 021-58200042 description: building ceramics 02-019泛亚建筑陶瓷工业有限公司 通讯地址:上海市斜土路1817号 邮政编码:200032 联系电话:021-64179268 传 真:021-64189940 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 fanya building ceramics industry co., ltd address: no.1817 xieshi road, shanghai postcode: 200032 tel: 021-64179268 fax: 021-64189940 description: building ceramics 02-020泰山陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市龙吴路1357号 邮政编码:200231 联系电话:021-64700149 传 真:021-64700966 经营范围:墙地砖 taishan ceramics co., ltd address: no.1357, longwu road, shanghai postcode: 200231 tel: 021-64700149 fax: 021-64700966 description: wall and floor tiles 02-021金兴陶瓷(上海)有限公司 通讯地址:上海市金山县朱泾镇工业园区 邮政编码:201500 联系电话:021-57314475 57314476 传 真:021-57315369 网 址:http://www.sh-kimhin.com 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 kim hin ceramics ( shanghai ) co., ltd address: zhujing town industrial park, jinshan county, shanghai postcode: 201500 tel: 021-57314475 57314476 fax: 021-57315369 website: http://www.sh-kimhin.com description: building ceramics 02-022上海亚细亚陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市闵行区虹梅南路3888号 邮政编码:201108 联系电话:021-64975555-180 传 真:021-64970818 网 址:http://www.asaceramic.com email: shasa@online.sh.cn 经营范围:墙地砖 shanghai asa ceramics co., ltd address: no. 3888 south hongmei road, minhang district, shanghai postcode: 201108 tel: 021-64975555-180 fax: 021-64970818 website: http://www.asaceramic.com email: shasa@online.sh.cn description: building ceramics 02-023上海诺米特陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东新区东方路989号 邮政编码:200122 联系电话:021-68769311 传 真:021-58200042 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 shanghai nuomite ceramics co., ltd address: no.989, dongfang road, pudong new district, shanghai postcode: 200122 tel: 021-68769311 fax: 021-58200042 description: building ceramics 02-024上海益陶建材有限公司 通讯地址:上海市宾阳路50号2号楼1402室 邮政编码:200235 联系电话:021-64513488 64703000 29671200 传 真:021-34140746 网 址:http://www.yitao.com.cn email: yitao@vip.163.com 经营范围:陶瓦 shanghai yitao building ceramics co., ltd address: rm.1402, building 2, no.50 binyang road, shanghai postcode: 200235 tel: 021-64513488 64703000 29671200 fax: 021-34140746 website: http://www.asaceramic.com email: yitao@vip.163.com description: ceramic tiles 02-025上海华耐陶瓷工贸有限公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东新区上南路1500弄16支弄27号(城建大厦a楼)1708室 邮政编码:200126 联系电话:021-50870082 传 真:021-50870086 网 址:http://www.china-honor.com email: shco@china-honor.com 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 shanghai huanai ceramics trade co., ltd address: rm.1708, (a/f, chengjian mansion), no.27, lane1500-16, shangnan road, pudong new district, shanghai postcode: 200126 tel: 021-50870082 fax: 021-50870086 website: http://www.china-honor.com email: shco@china-honor.com description: building ceramics 02-026上海彩蝶陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海闵行区虹梅南路2020号11库1门 邮政编码:201108 联系电话:021-54408813 网 址:http://www.shodiantaoci.com 经营范围:建筑陶瓷 shanghai caidie ceramics co., ltd address: gate 1, store 11, no. 2020, south hongmei road, minhang district, shanghai postcode: 201108 tel: 021-54408813 website: http://www.shodiantaoci.com description: building ceramics 02-027上海华东陶瓷厂 通讯地址:上海市闵行区龙吴路4299弄3号 邮政编码:200241 联系电话:021-8191388 经营范围:建筑陶瓷、卫生洁具 shanghai huadong ceramics factory address: no.3, lane 4299, longwu road, minhang district, shanghai postcode: 200241 tel: 021-8191388 description: building ceramics and sanitary ware 02-028上海大鼎装饰材料有限公司 通讯地址:上海市宜山路320号509室 邮政编码:200000 联系电话:021-54250095 传 真:021-54250097 经营范围:卫生洁具、墙地砖及装饰材料 shanghai dante building materials co., ltd address: rm.509, no.320, yishan road, shanghai postcode: 200000 tel: 021-54250095 fax: 021-54250097 description: sanitary ware, wall and floor tiles and decorative materials 02-029上海佳欣陶瓷工业有限公司 通讯地址:上海市松江县仓桥镇工业区玉秀路6号 邮政编码:201600 联系电话:021-67725888 67725889 传 真:021-67825887 67725883 网 址:http://www.chiashinceramics.com 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai jiaxin ceramic industry co., ltd address: no.6 yuxiu road, cangqiao town industrial park, songjiang county, shanghai postcode: 201600 tel: 021-67725888 67725889 fax: 021-67825887 67725883 description: sanitary ware 02-030上海太平洋陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市四平路260号 邮政编码:200080 联系电话:021-65085734 传 真:021-65085734 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai pacific ceramics co., ltd address: no.260 siping road, shanghai postcode: 200080 tel: 021-65085734 fax: 021-65085734 description: sanitary ware 02-031上海佳里曼洁具有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区江桥金宝工业区 邮政编码:200124 联系电话:021-50854449 传 真:021-50855257 网 址:http://www.siduoli.com email: info@siduoli.com 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai jialiman sanitary ware co., ltd address: jinbao industrial park, jiangqiao, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 200124 tel: 021-50854449 fax: 021-50855257 website: http://www.siduoli.com email: info@siduoli.com description: sanitary ware 02-032上海华陶卫生器具有限公司 通讯地址:上海市新闸路166号水景苑a座301室 邮政编码:200003 联系电话:021-63276008-804 传 真:021-63276006 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai huatao sanitary ware co., ltd address: rm.301, falt a, shuijingyuan, no.166 xinzha road, shanghai postcode: 200003 tel: 021-63276008-804 fax: 021-63276006 description: sanitary ware 02-033上海太平洋洁圣陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市徐汇区龙水南路309号 邮政编码:200232 联系电话:021-64829028 传 真:021-64829918 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai pacific jiesheng ceramics co., ltd address: no.309 south longshui road, xuhui district, shanghai postcode: 200232 tel: 021-64829028 fax: 021-64829918 description: sanitary ware 02-034上海梦佳卫浴陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东新区杨高南路4188号陶瓷区3栋 邮政编码:200124 联系电话:021-50856762 传 真:021-50856762 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai mengjia sanitary ware co., ltd address: building 3, ceramic section, no.4188 south yanggao road, pudong new district, shanghai postcode: 200124 tel: 021- 50856762 fax: 021-50856762 description: sanitary ware 02-035美标(中国)有限公司 通讯地址:上海市淮海中路8号兰生大厦22楼 邮政编码:200021 联系电话:021-63191188 传 真:021-63191100-1180 网 址:http://www.americanstandard.com.cn email: sales@ americanstandard.com.cn 经营范围:卫生洁具 american standard (china) co., ltd address: 22/f, lansheng mansion, no. 8 middle huaihai road, shanghai postcode: 200021 tel: 021-63191188 fax: 021-63191100-1180 website: http://www.americanstandard.com.cn email: sales@ americanstandard.com.cn description: sanitary ware 02-036上海亿德陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区黄渡镇曹安路5085号 邮政编码:201800 联系电话:021-59592079 传 真:021-59592079 网 址:http://www.oubeier.com 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai yide ceramics co., ltd address: no. 5085 cao’an road, huangdu town, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201800 tel: 021-59592079 fax: 021-59592079 websites: http://www.oubeier.com description: sanitary ware 02-037上海中陶卫浴有限公司 通讯地址:上海市凯旋路2588号上海兴力达建材装饰城904室 邮政编码:200023 联系电话:021-64811239 传 真:021-64811427 网 址:http://www.chinacto.cn email: ctoshanghai@21cn.com 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai china ceramic sanitary ware co., ltd address: rm.904, xinglida building decorating city, no.2588 kaixuan road, shanghai postcode: 200023 tel: 021-64811239 fax: 021-64811427 website: http://www.chinacto.cn email: ctoshanghai@21cn.com description: sanitary ware 02-038上海欢琪陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市松江新闽经济开发区 联系电话:021-68328214 网 址:http://www.jsljj.com email: jsljj@jsljj.com 经营范围:卫生洁具 shanghai huanqi ceramics co., ltd address: xinmin economic development zone, songjiang, shanghai tel: 021-68328214 website: http://www.bowen-bath.com email: jsljj@jsljj.com description: sanitary ware 02-039上海尼斯陶瓷制品有限公司 通讯地址:广东省潮州市吉利乡叔公路20号 邮政编码:521000 联系电话:0768-2264980 2264346 传 真:0768-2264346 网 址:http://www.bowen-bath.com email: bowen@bowen-bath.com 经营范围:卫生洁具(艺术盆) shanghai nice ceramics co., ltd address: no.20, shugong road, jili township, chaozhou, guangdong province postcode: 521000 tel: 0768-2264980 2264346 fax: 0768-2264346 website: http://www.bowen-bath.com email: bowen@bowen-bath.com description: art bathroom sets 02-040上海汉光环境艺术有限公司 通讯地址:上海市常熟路188弄3号花园 邮政编码:200031 联系电话:021-54033880 传 真:021-54036902 经营范围:艺术瓷、日用瓷 shanghai hanguang environment art co., ltd address: no. 3 garden, lane 188, changshu road, shanghai postcode: 200031 tel: 021-54033880 fax: 021-54036902 description: art ceramics and domestic porcelain 02-041上海清多华陶瓷装饰艺术有限公司 通讯地址:上海市零陵路583号海洋石油大厦18层1815室 邮政编码:200050 联系电话:021-64811282 传 真:021-64683431 经营范围:陶瓷工艺品 shanghai qingduohua decorative art co., ltd address: rm.1815, 18/f, marine petroleum mansion, no. 583 lingling road, shanghai postcode: 200050 tel: 021-64811282 fax: 021-64683431 description: ceramic handicrafts 02-042上海欧源工艺礼品有限公司 通讯地址:上海市吴中路1128号 邮政编码:201103 联系电话:021-64653769 传 真:021-64051175 经营范围:陶瓷工艺品 shanghai ouyuan craft gifts co., ltd address: no.1128 wuzhong road, shanghai postcode: 201103 tel: 021-64653769 fax: 021-64051175 description: ceramic handicrafts 02-043上海东爱陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市松江县新桥镇车新公路18号 邮政编码:201612 联系电话:021-57642887 传 真:021-57642988 经营范围:陶瓷工艺品 shanghai dong’ai ceramics co., ltd address: no.18, chexin highway, xinqiao town, songjiang county, shanghai postcode: 201612 tel: 021-57642887 fax: 021-57642988 description: ceramic handicrafts 02-044上海海畅礼品有限公司 通讯地址:上海市北京西路669号15楼 邮政编码:200041 联系电话:021-62712708-9 传 真:021-62717037 经营范围:陶瓷工艺品 shanghai haichang gifts co., ltd address: 15/f, no.669 west beijing road, shanghai postcode: 200041 tel: 021-62712708-9 fax: 021-62717037 description: ceramic handicrafts 02-045上海硅佳陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区菊园新区 邮政编码:201807 联系电话:021-59549267 62991850-819 传 真:021-62991853 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai guijia ceramics co., ltd address: juyuan new district, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201807 tel: 021-59549267 62991850-819 fax: 021-62991853 description: special ceramics 02-046上海宏基特种陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市松江区长石路250号 邮政编码:201600 联系电话:021-57843100 传 真:021-57843940 网 址:http://www.chinabmnet.com 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai calvin special ceramic co., ltd address: no.250 changshi road, songjiang district, shanghai postcode: 201600 tel: 021-57843100 fax: 021-57843940 website: http://www.chinabmnet.com description: special ceramics 02-047上海摩根美超技术陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区嘉戬公路158号 邮政编码:201818 联系电话:021-59000687 59903647 传 真:021-59903241 网 址:http://www.morganmatrocsh.com email: mmsh@sh163.net 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai morgan matroc technical ceramics co., ltd address: no.158 jiajian highway, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201818 tel: 021-59000687 59903647 fax: 021-59903241 website: http://www.morganmatrocsh.com email: mmsh@sh163.net description: special ceramics 02-048上海泛联科技股份有限公司 通讯地址:上海市新虹桥天山路600弄2号 邮政编码:200051 联系电话:021-52530528 传 真:021-52535877 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai fanlian technology co., ltd address: no.2, lane 600, tianshan road, xinhong bridge, shanghai postcode: 200051 tel: 021-52530528 fax: 021-52535877 description: special ceramics 02-049上海华炻瓷业工程公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东南路379号26b座 邮政编码:200126 联系电话:021-68869547 传 真:021-68869548 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai huashi ceramic engineering company address: no.379, flat 26b, south pudong road, shanghai postcode: 200126 tel: 021-68869547 fax: 021-68869548 description: special ceramics 02-050上海申泰无机新材料有限公司 通讯地址:上海市泰和路1425号 邮政编码:200000 联系电话:021-56848142 56673863 56849583 传 真:021-56848142 网 址:http://www.shentai-ceramic.com.cn email: shentai-cera@online.sh.cn 经营范围:特种陶瓷、氧化物陶瓷 shanghai shentai inorganic material co., ltd address: no.1425 taihe road, shanghai postcode: 200000 tel: 021-56848142 56673863 56849583 fax: 021-56848142 website: http://www.shentai-ceramic.com.cn email: shentai-cera@online.sh.cn description: special ceramics and oxide ceramics 02-051上海耐苛特种陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市安汾路856号 邮政编码:200439 联系电话:021-56887290 13331976059 传 真:021-56792440 网 址:http://www.nkceramic.com email: webmaster@nkceramic.com 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai naike special ceramics co., ltd address: no.856 anfen road, shanghai postcode: 200439 tel: 021-56887290 13331976059 fax: 021-56792440 website: http://www.nkceramic.com email: webmaster@nkceramic.com description: special ceramics 02-052上海特陶卫浴设备有限公司 通讯地址:上海市新村路877号 联系电话:021-56958117 传 真:021-56957989 网 址:http://www.tetao.net email: info@tetao.net 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai tetao hygiene & bath facility co., ltd address: no.877 xincun road, shanghai tel: 021-56958117 fax: 021-56957989 website: http://www.tetao.net email: info@tetao.net description: special ceramics 02-053上海建杰陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市铜川路1422弄41号2楼 邮政编码:200333 联系电话:021-62655936 52807209 传 真:021-52807209 网 址:http://www.jj-china.com email: hacker1984@eastday.com 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai jianjie ceramics co., ltd address: 2/f, no. 41, lane 1422, tongchuan road, shanghai postcode: 200333 tel: 021-62655936 52807209 fax: 021-52807209 website: http://www.jj-china.com email: hacker1984@eastday.com description: special ceramics 02-054上海飞星特种陶瓷厂 通讯地址:上海市松江区李塔汇甘德路30号 邮政编码:201617 联系电话:021-57843816 网 址:http://www.jj-china.com 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai feixing special ceramics factory address: no.30, gande road, litahui, songjiang district, shanghai postcode: 201617 tel: 021-57843816 website: http://www.jj-china.com description: special ceramics 02-055上海申嘉特种陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区马陆镇大治路385号 邮政编码:201818 联系电话:021-59513480 传 真:021-59512480 网 址:http://www.shenjiatetao.com email: sjtztc@jdonline.com.cn 经营范围:特种陶瓷 shanghai shenjia special ceramics co., ltd address: no.385, daye road, malu town, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201818 tel: 021-59513480 fax: 021-59512480 website: http://www.shenjiatetao.com email: sjtztc@jdonline.com.cn description: special ceramics 02-056上海升东特种陶瓷厂 通讯地址:上海市浦东区三林塘红旗工业区 邮政编码:200126 联系电话:021-58837047 传 真:021-58837047 生产范围:工业陶瓷 shanghai shengdong special ceramic factory address: hongqi industrial park, sanlintang, pudong district, shanghai postcode: 200126 tel: 021-58837047 fax: 021-58837047 description: industrial ceramics 02-057上海银鑫工业陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市黄浦区北无锡路84号 邮政编码:200001 联系电话:021-63500902 13817563292 传 真:021-63519671 网 址:http://www. shceramic.com email: sales@shceramic.com 生产范围:工业陶瓷 shanghai yinxin industrial ceramics co., ltd address: no.84, wuxi road, north of huangpu district, shanghai postcode: 200001 tel: 021-63500902 13817563292 fax: 021-63519671 website: http://www.shceramic.com email: sales@shceramic.com description: industrial ceramics 02-058上海陶金工业陶瓷 通讯地址:上海市晋城路338号 邮政编码:200126 联系电话:021-28312987 63501801 传 真:021-63614504 网 址:http://www.sh-taojin.com email: taojintaoci@163.com 生产范围:工业陶瓷 shanghai taojin industrial ceramics address: no.338, jincheng road, shanghai postcode: 200126 tel: 021-28312987 63501801 fax: 021-63614504 website: http://www.sh-taojin.com email: taojintaoci@163.com description: industrial ceramics 02-059上海五联新型陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区复华高新技术园区横仓路2788号 邮政编码:201818 联系电话:021-39519100 13501968057 传 真:021-39519100 网 址:http://www.sh-wulian.com email: webmaster@sh-wulian.com 生产范围:特种工业陶瓷 shanghai wulian new-type ceramics co., ltd address: no.2788, hengcang road, fuhua high and new technology park, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201818 tel: 021-39519100 13501968057 fax: 021-39519100 website: http://www.sh-wulian.com email: webmaster@sh-wulian.com description: special industrial ceramics 02-060上海维来现代科技发展有限公司 通讯地址:上海市梅陇路130号258信箱 邮政编码:200237 联系电话:021-64252055 传 真:021-64253884 经营范围:抗菌陶瓷 shanghai weilai modern technical development co., ltd address: mailbox 258, no.130 meilong road, shanghai postcode: 200237 tel: 021-64252055 fax: 021-64253884 description: antibacterial ceramics 02-061上海晶石陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区嘉塘公路1607号 邮政编码:201807 联系电话:021-59541278 传 真:021-59541279 经营范围:结构陶瓷、精密陶瓷 shanghai jingshi ceramics co., ltd address: no.1607, jiatang highway, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201807 tel: 021-59541278 fax: 021-59541279 description: structural ceramics and precision ceramics 02-062上海科盛陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区城中路 邮政编码:201807 联系电话:021-51099195-1 传 真:021-51010816 网 址:http://www.ksceramics.com email: ceramics@vip.163.com 经营范围:高技术陶瓷 shanghai kesheng ceramics co., ltd address: chengzhong road, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201807 tel: 021-51099195-1 fax: 021-51010816 website: http://www.ksceramics.com email: ceramics@vip.163.com description: high-tech ceramics 02-063上海施迈尔精密陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东新区居家桥路575弄8号 邮政编码:200135 联系电话:021-58462548 58461649 58461776 58716588 68500085 传 真:021-58711292 网 址:http://www.smile-ceramics.com email: smile@smile-ceramics.com 经营范围:精密陶瓷 shanghai smile precision ceramics co., ltd address: no.8, lane 575, jujiaqiao road, pudong new district, shanghai postcode: 200135 tel: 021-58462548 58461649 58461776 58716588 68500085 fax: 021-58711292 website: http://www.smile-ceramics.com email: smile@smile-ceramics.com description: precision ceramics 02-064上海京士威精密陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东新区张江镇微捷路153号 邮政编码:201203 联系电话:021-50200979 传 真:021-50200979 经营范围:精密陶瓷 shanghai kingsway precision ceramics co., ltd address: no.153, weijie road, zhangjiang town, pudong new district, shanghai postcode: 201203 tel: 021-50200979 fax: 021-50200979 description: precision ceramics 02-065上海联美精密陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定工业开发区叶城路601号 邮政编码:201800 联系电话:021-59161436 传 真:021-59161436 经营范围:精密陶瓷 shanghai lianmei precision ceramics co., ltd address: no. 601 yecheng road, jiading industrial development zone, shanghai postcode: 201800 tel: 021-59161436 fax: 021-59161436 description: precision ceramics 02-066上海新茂精密陶瓷技术有限公司 通讯地址:上海市长宁区协和路233号 邮政编码:201800 联系电话:021-52175318 传 真:021-52176991 email: acera@sh163.net 经营范围:精密陶瓷 shanghai xinmao precision ceramics technology co., ltd address: no.233 xiehe road, changning district, shanghai postcode: 201800 tel: 021-52175318 fax: 021-52176991 email: acera@sh163.net description: precision ceramics 02-067上海卡贝尼精密陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市浦东区华夏东路2026弄3号 邮政编码:201200 联系电话:021-68393189 58908992 传 真:021-58908992-86 网 址:http//www.sh-cermics.com email: tao_yy@126.com 经营范围:精密陶瓷 shanghai kabeini precision ceramics co., ltd address: no.233, lane 2026, east huaxia road, pudong district, shanghai postcode: 201200 tel: 021-68393189 58908992 fax: 021-58908992-86 website: http//www.sh-cermics.com email: tao_yy@126.com description: precision ceramics 02-068上海国光科技新材料有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区嘉戬路489号 邮政编码:201818 联系电话:021-59512136 传 真:021-59512123 网 址:http://www.ceramind.com email: sales@yny-gsm.com 经营范围:精密陶瓷、电子陶瓷 shanghai gosmart technology new materials co., ltd address: no. 489 jiajian road, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201818 tel: 021-59512136 fax: 021-59512123 website: http://www.ceramind.com email: sales@yny-gsm.com description: fine ceramics and electron ceramics 02-069上海科达电子陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区漳浦路99号 邮政编码:201815 联系电话:021-69168599 69168975 传 真:021-69168971 网 址:http://www.keda-dianzi.com 经营范围:电子陶瓷 shanghai keda electrical ceramics co., ltd address: no. 99 zhangpu road, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201815 tel: 021-69168599 69168975 fax: 021-69168971 website: http://www.keda-dianzi.com description: electronic ceramics 02-070上海电器陶瓷厂有限公司 通讯地址:上海市青云路517号 邮政编码:200071 联系电话:021-56629791 传 真:021-56630045 网 址:http://www.sceaw.com.cn 经营范围:电子陶瓷 shanghai ceramic electrical apparatus works co., ltd address: no. 517 qingyun road, shanghai postcode: 200071 tel: 021-56629791 fax: 021-56630045 website: http://www.sceaw.com.cn description: electrical ceramics 02-071上海兆和电子有限公司 通讯地址:上海市青浦外青松路5180号 邮政编码:201700 联系电话:021-69210288 传 真:021-69210233 经营范围:陶瓷ptcr(正温度系数热敏电阻器) shanghai zhaohe electronics co., ltd address: no. 5180 qingsong road, qingpuwai, shanghai postcode: 201700 tel: 021- 69210288 fax: 021-69210233 description: ceramic ptcr 02-072上海帕克热敏陶瓷有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉定区漳浦路99号 邮政编码:201821 联系电话:021-69168599 69168975 传 真:021-69168971 网 址:http://www.keda-dianzi.com email: keda-dianzi@bsbsc.com 经营范围:热敏陶瓷 shanghai pake thermistor ceramics co., ltd address: no. 99 zhangpu road, jiading district, shanghai postcode: 201821 tel: 021-69168599 69168975 fax: 021-69168971 website: http://www.keda-dianzi.com email: keda-dianzi@bsbsc.com description: thermistor ceramics 02-073上海三悦电子有限公司 通讯地址:上海市云岭西路356弄3号 邮政编码:200333 联系电话:021-52707835 传 真:021-52707859 网 址:http://www.chinesecapacitor.com email: sanyue@sh163.net 经营范围:热敏陶瓷 shanghai sanyue electronic co., ltd address: no.3, lane 356, west yunling road, shanghai postcode: 200333 tel: 021-52707835 fax: 021-52707859 website: http://www.chinesecapacitor.com email: sanyue@sh163.net description: thermistor ceramics 02-074福里茨仪器设备有限公司 通讯地址:上海市田东路258号9号楼3301 邮政编码:200235 联系电话:021-54240352 54254031 传 真:021-54254032 经营范围:陶瓷机械 shanghai fritsch equipment co., ltd address: rm. 3301, building 9, no. 258 tiandong road, shanghai postcode: 200235 tel: 021-54240352 54254031 fax: 021-54254032 description: ceramic mechinery 02-075萨克米(上海)机械贸易有限公司 通讯地址:上海市淮海中路93号2506-2508室 邮政编码:200021 联系电话:021-53062455 传 真:021-53061464 经营范围:陶瓷机械 sacmi (shanghai) ceramic mechinery trade co., ltd address: rm.2506-2508, no.93 middle huaihai road, shanghai postcode: 200021 tel: 021-53062455 fax: 021-53061464 description: ceramic mechinery 02-076上海新意陶瓷机械有限公司 通讯地址:上海市闵行区杜行镇谈家港南 邮政编码:201112 联系电话:021-64115008 传 真:021-64113018 经营范围:陶瓷机械 shanghai xinyi ceramic mechinery co., ltd address: south tanjiagang, duhang town, minhang district, shanghai postcode: 201112 tel: 021-64115008 fax: 021-64113018 description: ceramic machinery 02-077西班牙博耐特釉料公司上海代表处 通讯地址:上海市徐汇区漕宝路509号新漕河泾大厦1401室 邮政编码:200233 联系电话:021-54261773 传 真:021-54261721 经营范围:陶瓷釉料 colorificio ceramico bonet, s,a. shanghai office address: rm.1401, new caohejing mansion, no. 509 caobao road, xuhui district, shanghai postcode: 200233 tel: 021-54261773 fax: 021-54261721 description: glaze 02-078上海大鸿制釉有限公司 通讯地址:上海市闵行区金都路618号 邮政编码:201108 联系电话:021-64975566 64970910 传 真:021-64973535 经营范围:陶瓷釉料 shanghai dahong glaze co., ltd address: no. 618 jindu road, minhang district, shanghai postcode: 201108 tel: 021-64975566 64970910 fax: 021-64973535 description: glaze 02-079上海一品国际颜料有限公司 通讯地址:上海市嘉松北路4839号 邮政编码:201814 联系电话:021-59504647 传 真:021-59507893 经营范围:陶瓷颜料 shanghai yipin international pigment co., ltd address: no. 4839 north jiasong road, shanghai postcode: 201814 tel: 021-59504647 fax: 021-59507893 description: ceramic pigment 02-080上海天光化工厂 通讯地址:上海市普陀区古浪路1500号 邮政编码:200331 联系电话:021-62506795 传 真:021-62509665 经营范围:陶瓷颜料、化工原料 shanghai tianguang chemical factory address: no. 1500 gulang road, putuo district, shanghai postcode: 200331 tel: 021-62506795 fax: 021-62509665 description: ceramic pigment and chemical raw materials 02-081上海华陶化工有限公司 通讯地址:上海市江宁路1376号219室 邮政编码:200060 电话号码:021-62777186 传真号码:021-62777186 经营范围:陶瓷色釉料 shanghai huatao chemical co., ltd address: rm.219, no.1376 jiangning road, shanghai postcode: 200060 tel: 021-62777186 fax: 021-62777186 description: glaze and pigment 02-082上海氧化铁颜料厂 通讯地址:上海市杏山路16、18号 邮政编码:200062 联系电话:021-62571279 传 真:021-62548556 经营范围:颜料 shanghai ferric oxide pigment factory address: no.16 and 18, xingshan road, shanghai postcode: 200062 tel: 021-62571279 fax: 021-62777186 description: pigment 02-083上海江沪钛白化工制品有限公司 通讯地址:上海市虹口区海伦路178号 邮政编码:200086 联系电话:021-65038908 65154564 传 真:021-65034003 经营范围:陶瓷原料 shanghai jianghu titanium chemical products co., ltd address: no. 178 helen road, hongkou district, shanghai postcode: 200086 tel: 021-65038908 65154564 fax: 021-65034003 description: ceramic raw materials 02-084上海伊索高温隔热材料有限公司 通讯地址:上海市中山北路2052号 邮政编码:200063 联系电话:021-52919155 传 真:021-52919605 经营范围:陶瓷纤维制品 shanghai yeso heat-insulation materials co., ltd address: no.2052 north zhongshan road, shanghai postcode: 200063 tel: 021-52919155 fax: 021-52919605 description: ceramic fibre products 02-085上海真弘陶瓷企业有限公司 通讯地址:上海市松江区玉树路211号 邮政编码:201600 联系电话:021-67726460 67726461 传 真:021-67726462 网 址:http://www.shinko-sh.com 主要产品:陶瓷模具 shanghai shinko ceramics enterprise co., ltd address: no.211 yushu road, songjiang district, shanghai postcode: 201600 tel: 021-67726460 67726461 fax: 021-67726462 website: http://www.shinko-sh.com description: ceramic mould 02-086上海高纳粉体技术有限公司 通讯地址:上海市龙吴路1594号 邮政编码:200237 联系电话:021-51095718 传 真:021-51095730 网 址:http://www.repowder.com 经营范围:陶瓷粉体 shanghai gona powder technology co., ltd address: no.1594 longwu road, shanghai postcode: 200237 tel: 021-51095718 fax: 021-51095730 website: http://www.repowder.com description: ceramic powder 瓷砖相关 上海陶艺轩上海墙特建材上海卫浴展上海国际家居上海市场上海建材集团,本资讯的关键词:上海公司 (【shanghai】更新:2010/5/9 7:37:57)